Sunday, 5 June 2011

Ubisoft says Project Cafe is “a fantastic platform”, can leverage PS3/360 work for the console

Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot recently provided a few comments regarding Project Cafe. Although specific information about the system’s functionality was not revealed, the remarks are interesting since Ubisoft is the first-third-party to share significant thoughts about Nintendo’s next console. Guillemot said the following on an investor’s call:
“The platform Nintendo is coming with is really a fantastic platform. We think it will be extremely successful. What we see is that we will be able to leverage a lot of the work we do for Xbox 360 and PS3 while we create games for the platform. So we will not have to redo completely the games that we create. We’ll be able to use all the capacity the console is giving but also use all the work we do for the other platforms.”
Looks like Project Cafe could be getting a decent amount of PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 games in the future. I suppose that’s not necessarily a bad thing! The Wii has missed out on some tremendous third-party releases…


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