Friday 10 June 2011

Sony removes old PSP functionality from the PS Vita

We recently informed you about the very refreshing news that the upcoming Sony PlayStation Vita handheld will have region-free capabilities. However, we now have some slightly disappointing news to bring you because the device won’t have support for any form of video out features.
This isn’t a rumor of any sort either, as Sony confirmed it themselves on their official FAQ for the PS Vita, which you can check out in full here. There you will clearly see the following response from Sony related to video-out features on the PS Vita:
When asked if Sony had plans to introduce a video-out cable such as an HDMI, here is what they said:
”No, PS Vita does not have a video output feature.”
They couldn’t have put it more bluntly could they? Although many of you will argue that it isn’t an essential feature for the PS Vita, it would still be nice to have, especially since the handheld has a camera and it would have been great to quickly see a slideshow on the TV. It would have also been nice to have the option to play some titles on the TV, PS1 titles for example – just to show off to your friends or whatever or take a break from staring at the screen.
In case you didn’t know, the PSP Go and PSP Slim both came with video-out features, so why has Sony decided to remove this functionality for the PS Vita? Does this affect your decision to pick one up, or is it a feature that isn’t really used that often anyway?


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