Wednesday 15 June 2011

Final Fantasy XIII-2

Final Fantasy XIII-2 director Motomu Toriyama and producer Yoshinori Kitase revealed more details on the game in this week's Dengkei magazine:
  • Noel and Serah will be the two protagonists in the story, but Lightning is also a major character
  • XIII-2 shows Noel as a cool, strong male character, as opposed to XIII shows Lightning as a strong female warrior
  • Noel is a beast hunter in Gran Pulse
  • Snow will appear in the game, and he doesn't concern the relationship between Noel and Serah
  • The E3 Demo was a barebone version of two chapters in the game with most story sequences and dialogs cut out
  • The monster capture and raising element in the game will bring new strategies to the battle system
  • There are monsters specific for each role like Ravager, Commando and Sentinel, the monsters can also grow using Crystarium
  • Player can control up to 3 characters in battle, including the monster, but sometimes there will be additional guest characters in the battle
  • The music composer is Masashi Hamauzu, he will try to retain the same music style in XIII, another compose will deliver new music style for the story background and world setting
  • You can walk in the town, talk to different people and collect info, sometimes you can trigger new events
  • The town will be more life-like, for example people will stay under covered area when raining
  • Moogles will help you search for hidden items and explore in dungeons
  • The game will have auto save feature, you can save at anywhere in the game


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