Wednesday 8 June 2011

E3 2011: Final Fantasy XIII-2 Longer than Predecessor; 360 Version Might Have 3 or More Discs

We all know the fact that Final Fantasy XIII is a huge game as the Xbox 360 version has three discs. With the sequel coming out in Japan by the end of the year and early next year for North America, Xbox 360 owners can expect another FF game that will have multiple disc.
In an interview with a Square Enix representative today, Final Fantasy XIII-2 is supposed to be a lot bigger and longer compared to Final Fantasy XIII. By going through the game’s campaign mode, players should take at least 40 hours to finish the game and that doesn’t include the sidequest. If players loves doing sidequests, another 40 hours can be expected.
From what we played today, some of the sidequests to expect are similar to what FFXIII has to offer. The L’Cieth will be there in each dungeon to give the player quests and the objectives will pretty much slay the monster. Since what we played are just a demo, it could change on the final version. However, the representative mentioned that sidequests will be a lot better and meaningful than XIII.
With game almost twice as big as Final Fantasy XIII, the representative informed me that it might take up to three or four discs depending on how much compression they will have to do on the game. For PS3 owners, changing discs will not be an issue with Final Fantasy XIII.
Check back with us later this week for our hands-on impression of the game.


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