Friday 3 June 2011

Sony: Nintendo 3DS is just an updated DS

Have you missed all those console war talks? Just hold your breath because Sony might be kick-starting one as we prepare for the massive E3 showing

Have you missed all those console war talks? Just hold your breath because Sony might be kick-starting one as we prepare for the massive E3 showing. Sony are pulling out the big guns and are starting the mudslinging war at full pelt. This time around, the head of Sony Worldwide Studios claims that Sony had no idea what Nintendo would reveal while their NGP handheld was in the design phases and that besides the addition of 3D stereoscopic display the 3DS just feels like an update of the Nintendo DS.
Of course this talk would not be complete without a little hype for Sony’s own device! Here is what they have got to say.
When we were designing the NGP we had no idea what Nintendo was going to do, Aside from the 3D stereoscopic display, they seem to be keeping the same theme that they had with the DS – it feels like an update of the DS to me.
So what we’re trying to do, lots of choices that we made were so different from their [Nintendo] choices. It’s kind of hard to compare the two, aside from the fact that both of them are dedicated gaming platforms.
There’s no one clear competitor in terms of what NGP offers. NGP’s going to establish itself as the unique thing that people want to have. NGP cannot be placed against smartphones. You can’t make phone calls on it and it’s too big to fit into your pocket.
Don’t be surprise if we get a reply rather sooner than later from Nintendo. We would keep you posted as events unfolds.


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