Friday 3 June 2011

Microsoft E3 Announcements May Have Leaked

Details from Microsoft’s E3 keynote “may” have in fact leaked, according to some information SlashGear was able to get.  We have talked before about the possibility of MS using their Xbox 360 console to become the first virtual cable operator in the country and if these rumors pan out it looks like that will be happening.
Called Xbox Live Diamond this look to be the first stage for MS to get into the IPTV game, and will include Kinect based motion controlling along with a host of video and audio offerings.  You can bet there will be a social-networking aspect to the service as well.
The only thing holding this back we hear is that MS is in last minute talks with content providers to get this going.  If they can sign off, and we would assume it will be a go, MS could easily steal E3 yet again with such a huge announcement.


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