Friday 3 June 2011

Konami Transfarring System

Konami announced a cross platform data transfer system called Transfarring during a pre-E3 broadcast, which allows you to play a game on home console and continue playing on the go. Save data can be transferred back and forth between PS3 and PSP using USB cable; only one version of the save file is active to prevent data conflict. An example would be playing MGS Peace Walker HD on PS3, and continue playing outside on the PSP.
The first games to support Transfarring are Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker, Metal Gear Solid HD Collection and Zone of the Enders HD Collection. Although these games are also heading to Xbox 360, but only the PS3 version support transfarring with the PSP.

Hideo Kojima also mentioned that PS3/PSP data sharing is only phase 1 of Transfarring, phase 2 will be bringing PS2 classics to PS3 and NGP, and phase 3 will be data sharing between PS3 and NGP.


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