Saturday, 4 June 2011

New Mass Effect 3 details: “Omni-Blade” at E3, much more

Brenon Holmes, Senior Designer at Bioware on Mass Effect 3 has disclosed some new details about the game.
He’s given out some interesting gameplay details and more.
Here’s the lot below:
  1. Not all weapons can use all mods.
  2. Enemies may or may not drop weapons, that’s currently tested.
  3. Trooper, Centurion,Phantom,Guardian and Atlas are the Cerberus troops.
  4. The engineer melee attack is not called Lighting Up.
  5. Laser weapons may not be shipped because they are performance expensive.
  6. The Reaperised Krogan is called Brute, the asari, Banshee.
  7. No plans on headgear modifying scope zoom.
  8. Blindfire = Partial Leans,.
  9. Cover is still on A, for now.
  10. We’ll see the “omni-blade” at E3. He’s not sure if they’re still going to call that or name it something else.


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