Friday 3 June 2011

inFamous: Now Free on PSN

The PSN Welcome Back program is reported by many outlets as officially a go. Amongst all the cluster that will exist (expect error o’ plenty) to reach for these games, you are probably asking yourself which ones to get?

The PSN Welcome Back program is reported by many outlets as officially a go. Amongst all the cluster that will exist (expect error o’ plenty) to reach for these games, you are probably asking yourself which ones to get?
My friends, let me recommend to you, if you have not already played it, that you should pick up InFamous. By far, this is the best game on the roster that Sony is offering (certainly better than RoboCod, which feels more like an insult rather than a “gift”) and one a broad range of people will enjoy.
First off, InFamous appeals to the resurgence of the Super Hero. Over the last few years, partially due to Hollywood and comic books, Super Heroes are cool again. Almost every summer, over the past few years, there has been one or more comic book movies on the summer blockbuster list. InFamous is the kind of game that appeals to that, as it is based in comic book and super hero lore, without having a comic that it is attached to. The back story, the character personalities, the powers, the enemies, and so much more, feel as though it was stripped straight from a comic. The beauty is, however, is that it is not. This is an original title; not some sequel, and not based on any comic. This excites my inner geek!
In addition to the comic book aurora that the game offers, it also allows the player the choice between good and evil. While no game has mastered the morality system to date, this game does allow the player to choose a path of righteousness or one of evil; each coming with its own set of powers, benefits, and setbacks. The choices, of course, change how things play in the game slightly.
InFamous is the one game involving extensive climbing that seems to have figured the mechanic out. Admittedly, I loathed the first Assassin Creed. I also had issues with The Saboteur for this same reason. The climbing in Enslaved was atrocious. Even Prototype seemed shaky in this regard. InFamous, however, always felt like the climbing was never confusing, challenging, and made total sense. In many other games where extensive climbing was involved, I found myself falling, or being misguided due to one little slip, or what have you. I never had this issue in InFamous.
If you are looking for a game that involves lots of acrobatics, and has a dark story line, this is the game for you to check out. Plus, hey, it’s free. Given this economy, that’s the best price anyone can offer. This is one of the games in Sony’s Whoops package, which doesn’t feel like a mistake.


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