Friday 3 June 2011

Deep Silver announces Winter Stars for Kinect

Deep Silver – a subsidiary of Koch Media – has today announced that they will publish Winter Stars, a wintery sports title for Kinect, in the fourth quarter of 2011. (Winter Stars, Xbox 360
Deep Silver – a subsidiary of Koch Media – has today announced that they will publish Winter Stars, a wintery sports title for Kinect, in the fourth quarter of 2011.
The game – which will also be released for Wii and PlayStation Move – offers takes on paraskiing, curling, snowmobile racing, bobsled, downhill skiing, figure skating, biathlon, freeride skiing, snowboard cross, ski flying (?!?!) and short-track speed skating.
A “Family Mode” will be included, allowing players to choose individual difficulty levels, and the single player game promises to offer a story-driven “campaign full of variety that allows players to experience all aspects of an athlete’s career.” Mini-games, training and challenges will be weaved into that gameplay, the publisher promises.
Offline, up to four players can play, and we’re assuming that the same goes for the game’s online mode. Mini-games are provided
A couple of “screenshots” have been sent our way, although they’re blatantly promotional images. Still, we’ll include them for completeness.
Winter Stars will be released in the fourth quarter of 2011.


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