Tuesday 4 October 2011

PS Vita to Revolutionize the Mobile Ecosystem Says Sony

On Tuesday Apple is expected to release its latest line of devices, including the iPhone 5 and the cheaper iPhone 4. While most companies appear to be fighting over smartphones, and trying to dominate the market, Sony is taking a different approach.
Sony’s director of hardware marketing, John Koller, wants to carve out a new ecosytem in the mobile space using the Playstation Vita. Here’s what he had to say:
“We firmly believe that PlayStation Vita will supersede the mobile market when launched, and have grand ambitions for a product that is really at the forefront of innovation,” he said. “The mobile market in the U.S. offers consumers extremely light gaming options. We developed PlayStation Vita after observing a significant addressable market that demands rich, deep handheld gaming.”
When the new handheld releases next spring it will be backed by entires in multimillion copy selling franchises such as Call of Duty and Mortal Kombat.
Koller also stated, that any games and apps created with the VIta in mind will be available on Google, android phones, and tablets. As well as a varitey of other Sony products. This is what will give Sony a fighting chance against apple in the new mobile market created with the advent of smartphones.


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